Friday 30 January 2015


CNG engine uses compressed natural gas to power the car. CNG is a substitute for gas and diesel fuel, and is considered to be much cheaper and cleaner than gas or diesel. Natural-gas-powered vehicles burn compressed natural gas (CNG) instead of conventional gasoline.

Why Use Compressed Natural Gas?

The benefits of CNG are lower operating costs, lower fuel costs, improved gasoline-gallon fuel economy, and almost zero smog-forming emissions. One example of a vehicle that uses CNG for its fuel is the Honda Civic Natural Gas Sedan.In addition, the CNG engine is considered to be more environmentally friendly. There are considerably less pollutants associated with compressed natural gas being ignited, and studies show that it gives off 40 percent less greenhouse gas.

The CNG Engine:-

The CNG engine uses a second fuel tank which has to be attached to the car, and is usually placed in the trunk (or other place where there is suitable room). This tank is usually very large, as it has to keep the gas used compressed. The amount of pressure may vary from engine to engine, but it is usually compressed to around 3,600 pounds per square inch. The driver can then decide which of the fuels they wish to use by simply pressing a switch on the dashboard. This means that the car can alternate between the different tanks, drawing fuel from either.Having a dual fuel system will ensure adequate fuel reserves in between natural gas fills. Compared to having only a gasoline engine, this additional fuel reserve will extend the vehicle’s driving range. Drivers can switch from CNG to gasoline even while driving, idling or parked. Some CNG systems will automatically switch to gasoline when the natural gas level reaches a preset low pressure setting.

How the CNG Engine works?

Once the driver selects the CNG tank, CNG is fed into the high pressure cylinders through the natural gas receptacle.The compressed gas in the tank is pulled through a series of highly pressurized lines until it reaches the regulator.Inside the regulator, the pressure on the gas is lessened until it matches the amount needed by the fuel injection system of the car's engine. Once the gas has reached an acceptable pressure, the solenoid valve allows the gas to move into the fuel injection system and from there into the engine.Just as with gasoline, once the engine has received the gas, it is ignited in the combustion chamber, and this provides the energy to power the car forward.

You can also convert your gas engine to CNG, a diesel conversion though doesn’t have problems with predetonation or need knock sensors like a gas conversion. Diesel engines is built for heavy duty use, exploding diesel with heat and combustion not spark. This all makes diesel engines the ideal CNG conversion

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